Saturday, April 13, 2013


Underground Cave that we repelled into. 
After a week in Mexico soaking up the sun and fresh guacamole, I am back in Gallery 111 surrounded by beautiful new paintings by Peter Miehm and stone sculptures by Marg Gurr.  Tomorrow from 2 til 4, Roy Hickling will be hosting more singer / songwriters from BADASS as part of the gallery's Sunday Afternoon music line up. Visit Gallery 111's blog to see a great installation shot of the show. NEW WORKS SURFACING @ GALLERY 111

Friday, April 12, 2013

Old Work, New Cards

Today continued to be a clean up day at the studio with my two co-op students helping me to stuff pillows and trim cards.  I also stopped by Sandra Silberman's studio this morning and picked two more medium sized bowls for Gallery 111.  After having my archetypes done for me yesterday, watch for some new courses and workshops at Jill Price Studios surrounding image development, creativity, materiality and art speak. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pillow Talk at the Studio.

As part of my studio clean up I have made it a goal to use up all old materials hanging around while integrating a little bit of iconography from new work.  Combining block prints from my fabricated landscapes, each one is unique and perfect for adorning a room decorated in cottage chic, or to offer comfort on those wooden or wicker chairs on the front porch.  Stop by the studio during Barrie's Studio Tour to pick out your favourite.